1. Partner Meeting HFH Myanmar and YMCA

First day today speaking with partners Habitat for Humanity (HFH) Myanmar and YMCA Myanmar. Introductions of ourselves, our different programs and the collaborative projects we are working on together in Dala Township.  What a privilege to have Myanmar's political history, government structures, and challenges described in detail by local professionals.
Did you know that Myanmar was a British colony from the 19th century until independence in 1948, was a militarily ruled socialist country until 1989, then a military dictatorship ruled without a constitution for over 20 years until the first elections held in 2010? Former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi is now the leader of the country since 2015 but the military still hold strong control in Myanmar...

YMCA is an extraordinary organisation working simultaneously on projects tackling human trafficking, youth engagement, empowerment of women, counselling services, wide-ranging vocational training, community committee formation and physical construction of walking bridges and water/sanitation infrastructure, they are amazing and we are so lucky to be working with such passionate and highly capable people committed to improving the lives of others!
