3. Myanmar organisational and project management

Two days were spent in the office with HFH Myanmar staff to look at organisational strategy, policies, systems and processes, the careful definition and management of which is essential for the organisation to be clear about its purpose and targets as well as to effectively manage the various risks and opportunities that exist in international development such as addressing child protection, gender equality, disability inclusiveness, fraud control and environmental sustainability.  

HFH Australia Finance, my esteemed colleague Arvin Chetty, undertook a thorough finance spot check of HFH Myanmar's financial systems and supporting documentation with the person responsible for financial accounting at HFH Myanmar, Jeremy Cruz,  to provide confidence in the appropriate management and control of local and international financial transactions.

The importance of these matters however does not translate to many photographic images of interest for a blog so I will leave it at that for the moment.  Suffice to say the meetings and discussions involving HFH Australia and HFH Myanmar staff over these two days were extremely valuable for mutual sharing and learning, and part of the continuous improvement that Habitat for Humanity is committed to.
